Customers expect returning their purchases to be as easy and smooth as it was to buy them. Our Returns & Exchanges feature will enable your customers to itemize products and quantities to submit a return request. ‘Create Return’ button can be found on ‘Returns’ page in My Account section like shown on this screenshot

On ‘Create Return‘ page, buyer selects which one of your shipping addresses they will be shipping the products back from as well is specify if they need a shipping label. In the ‘Product’ fields, specify which products are being returned, their quantities and the reason of return for each product.

Once the ‘Submit Return‘ button is clicked, the return will be displayed as ‘Initiated‘ in customer profile as well as will show up in the Seller Dashboard. Customer can cancel this return as long as it is in ‘Initiated’ phase.

The return will immediately show up in Seller Dashboard marked as ‘Initiated’ where seller can make necessary adjustments to this order, apply or deduct fees and finalize it as an Exchange Order, where customer will be sent replacement items or Issue Credit, where the credit amount will be applied to one of the orders belonging to the customer.

Once the return has been finalized by the seller, customer will see return details in their own account under ‘finalized’ status with all the details such as quantity of products exchanged and issued credit amount.

Product return rate and customer’s return rate is calculated based on total quantities of that particular product sold and total quantity returned over a certain period of time. You can see product’s return rate in product details page and customer’s return rate in customer details page inside seller dashboard.
If you have any questions about processing merchandise return and exchanges please get in touch with us at
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